See Dyhouse, Carol, Girls Growing Up in Late Victorian and Edwardian England, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd, London, 1981, pp40-114; Hunt, Felicity (ed.), Lessons for Life: The Schooling of Girls and Women 1850-1950, Basil Blackwell Ltd, Oxford, 1987, ppxi-xxv, 3-21, 83-100; Lawson, John & Silver, Harold, A Social History of Education in England, Methuen & Co Ltd, London, 1973, pp267-384.

Dale Spender points out that the introduction of printing into the UK, which widened access to education for boys and men, resulted in the Reformation and thus the closure of the convents which had been the only places providing education for girls. (Nattering on the Net: Women, Power and Cyberspace, Spinifex Press, Melbourne, 1995, pp161-5)

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