If it's English, it must be broken!

After years of overseas travels, Mr S.P. Ranto returns with the startling revelation that yes, indeed, the rest of the world is foreign! They speak strange tongues, rich and wonderful to the ear.

Thus inspired, S.P. Ranto has devised a clubnight like no other to celebrate "musicas bonas de las otras continentas" (kicking tunes from foreign lands).

Guests are encouraged to experiment with their own Pig Lingo combining English (backwards or rhyming slang) with circus tongue, canal speak, Yiddish, Gypsy or any Foreign words they might know.

No English or American language pop music will be played.

All guests will be subject to spot vocabulary tests from our favoured language, Polari (The Queens Vonacular).

Pig Lingo is a sophisticated affair catering for a Klassy Klientele. Appropriate dress is required. International, political, regional, traditional and religious wear is encouraged. Nicht effort = non entry

El Musico ist Fantastique Foreign Muck!

Contact Pig Lingo

Sound Storm Productions