17 October 1999

Morning after

Good morning Ju,

I hope you have recovered to some degree from yesterday's activities. How did the journey home go, was there any trouble on the way, you must have been very tired. I had a reasonable night in the Youth Hostel, I had a room to myself, and managed a reasonable amount of sleep, although never enough.

My head is still whizzing in a disjointed way on what actually took place over the last few days. It felt like throwing a party, lots of talks and things happening, but not quite relaxed enough to enjoy it. I was aware that you spent a good part of a very damp day on your feet, you must have been very tired.

It was sad that not many people turned up, but I am sure the recording and videoing will make it accessible to folks who couldn't attend. I haven't been on site yet today but will inform you of any changes. It was great to find the link between the area and the Brigantians, it kind of brought everything full circle, linking history together. I wonder if the brothers here worshipping their male god, was aware of a former culture worshipping their female deity.

I think I need a little while to think over the last few days and weeks before I can make a proper evaluation of this project. Although I can say I have so much enjoyed the experience, even with traumas and problems it has been a very rewarding experience. I do believe the things that have helped me personally have been incidentals like meeting different people, with different life-styles, here at the hostel, in travelling etc. I didn't realise that my world and outlook had become so small until I moved outside it, I don't ever want to move inside again. This job has certainly challenged me and given me more confidence. The making of the final sculpture seems quite incidental in comparison somehow, although it was what gave me most anxiety at the begining.

I will put my mind to an evaluation and e-mail you from the office during the week, I will now go on site, and hopfully send you some pictures. Once again it was great meeting you. Love
