Fortunes from Shai

Little and often makes much.

The days you work are the best days.

Today is a lucky day for those who remain cheerful and optimistic.

If you continually give, you will continually have.

You were born with the skill to communicate with people easily.

The hard times will begin to fade, joy will take their place.

The first step to better times is to imagine them.

Ideas are like children; there are none so wonderful as your own.

When you speak honestly and openly, others truly listen to you.

Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life.

It doesn't matter. Who is without a flaw?

It is much wiser to take advice than to give it.

Many a false step is made by standing still.

A thrilling time is in your immediate future.

You should be able to make money and hold on to it.

The skills you have gathered will one day come in handy.

Every excess becomes a vice.

Be direct, usually one can accomplish more that way.

Keep in close touch with what your competition is doing.

Your skill will accomplish what the force of many cannot.

Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded.

You can always find happiness at work on Friday.

All your hard work will soon pay off.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.

You will be fortunate in everything you put your hands to.

Decide what you want and go for it.

You will have gold pieces by the bushel.

Put the data you have uncovered to beneficial use.

Your past success will be overshadowed by your future success.

Skill comes from diligence.

Don't forget to do good deeds as you accumulate wealth.

Keep your plans secret for now.

Your money worries are over! Your new job will bring you a huge increase in income.

A good time to finish up old tasks.

Avert misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance.

Consolidate rather than expand business projects in the near future.

Delay is the antidote for anger.

Get ready! Good fortune comes in bunches.

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.

You will be wise not to seek too much from others.

Our first and last love...is self love.

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.

Today is a lucky day for those who remain cheerful and optimistic.

You were born with the skill to communicate with people easily.

The first step to better times is to imagine them.

Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life.

It doesn't matter. Who is without a flaw?

Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Make two grins grow where there was only a grouch before.

Decide what you want and go for it.

Your past success will be overshadowed by your future success.

You are talented in many ways.

Any rough times are behind you.

Grand adventures await those who are willing to turn the corner.

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.

The smart thing is to prepare for the unexpected.

There is yet time enough for you to take a different path.

You are very expressive and positive in words, act and feeling.

You should be able to undertake and complete anything.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu

A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyrs blood.

Funny thing about humility. Just when you think you've got it, you've lost it.

If you want the rainbow, you must to put up with the rain. D. Parton

NB: You can find these fortunes and more at www.chinese-fortune-cookie.com/

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© Ju Gosling aka ju90 2008

Funded by the
wellcome trust


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