Making it Very Glamorous
Andrew Logan with Ju Gosling

Making it Very Glamorous is an orthopaedic spinal brace, which is a type of hard plastic "flesh-coloured" corset which covers the upper torso and opens at the front.

Andrew Logan has completely covered the brace with strips of canvas dipped in glue, and has then painted this canvas cobalt blue. On top of this he has created mosaics made of round mirrors, together with beads and mirrored glass in a wide variety of shades of blue and purple, outlined in blue and purple glitter.

On the back, the mosaic creates a heart shape on the upper part of the brace, surrounded by smaller, round mirrors which are outlined in blue glitter. At the bottom of the back of the brace, mosaics form two shapes which are reminiscent of peacocks' feathers, with round mirrors in the centre. Two strings of purple beads dangle down from the base of the brace to form a tail, ending in small peacocks' feathers.

On the front of the brace, the opening is outlined in more mirrored mosaic, and also incorporates beads in the shape of eyes.

The brace is fastened across the front, and around the shoulders to the back, with plain black leather straps.

© The City Gallery, Leicester and the artists: 2001

This site was built by Ju Gosling aka ju90 during an artist's residency at Oriel 31 in November 2001

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