Pink Spiky Chair
Ticky Lowe with Henshaw Arts and Crafts Centre, Knaresborough

The Pink Spiky Chair follows the basic shape of a swivel arm chair, with a high back and low arms. The outside of the chair is covered in a bright pink shiny plasticised material. Spikes made out of the same material protrude from it, reminiscent of the spikes of chestnut shells. The inside of the chair is covered with pale but bright blue velvet. The bright colours, and the strong contrast between them, are intended to make the chair easier to see.

With the chair are two circular 'spiky' cushions, one made from maroon velvet and the other from pink felt. These cushions are split open on one side like seed cases. The inside of the maroon cushion shows in a purple silky material, and the inside of the pink cushion shows in the same material as the outside of the chair. If you put your hand inside the cushions, they vibrate!

© The City Gallery, Leicester and the artists: 2001

This site was built by Ju Gosling aka ju90 during an artist's residency at Oriel 31 in November 2001

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